Ever feel like your hormones could be interfering with your mojo?
ATP Science Venus E-tox is specifically for women who regularly have to manage the symptoms of premenstrual tension and menstrual cycle irregularity because life doesn’t stop for anyone and family, home and work still demand your energy and attention regardless of how you may be feeling.
Venus E-tox may reduce menstrual cycle irregularities and may help relieve symptoms of Premenstrual tension (PMT) such as:
- Mood swings, irritability, and aggression associated with PMT
- Relieve abdominal bloating and distension
- The occurrence of symptoms of headache
- The temporary relieve mild fluid retention
- Decrease breast pain and tenderness associated with PMT
- Relieve abdominal pain and discomfort
- The occurrence of symptoms of acne
As with all ATP Science products, they only use high-quality ingredients that help to support your normal body processes naturally.
The ingredients used in Venus E-Tox help reduce premenstrual tension, maintain and support female reproductive system health, support natural liver detoxification and assist the body’s natural cleansing/detoxification processes.
ATP Science Venus E-tox contains 120 capsules per bottle.
Each capsule of Venus E-tox contains:
- Brassica oleracea var. italica 38.46 mg derived from B. oleracea var. italica sprout dry 384.6 mg
- Brassica oleracea var. italica seed dry 100 mg
- Rosmarinus officinalis 100 mg derived from R. officinalis whole plant dry 1 g
- Raphanus sativus whole plant dry 100 mg
- Vitex agnus-castus 25 mg derived from V. agnus-castus fruit dry 250 mg
- Fucus vesiculosus 5 mg derived from F. vesiculosus whole plant dry 25 mg
- levomefolate calcium 130 microgram
The benefits of Venus E-Tox:
- Helps support the body’s natural channels of elimination
- Aids in the detoxification processes
- Supports natural liver cleansing
- Restore body fluid balance
- Temporarily relieve mild fluid retention
- Relieve abdominal bloating
- Decrease abdominal pain/discomfort
- Helps reduce the occurrence of symptoms of headaches
- Support female reproductive system health in females
- Relieve menstrual cycle irregularity/irregular periods
- Reduce feelings of aggression/irritability associated with premenstrual tension
- Relieve mood changes/mood swings associated with premenstrual tension
- Relieve breast pain/tenderness associated with premenstrual tension
- Relieve symptoms of premenstrual tension
- Relieve symptoms of acne
- Helps reduce the occurrence of symptoms of acne
Always read the label.
Follow the directions for use.
If fluid retention persists, seek medical advice
If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.